About us
KLM Group was established on autumn of 2009, as a partner of KLM Vista, which operates in the same field since 1997.
Accounting and financial services
- Keeping tax records
- Double-entry bookkeeping
- An oversight in the company, online consultation
- Retrospective reconstruction of accounting
- Checking completeness and arrangement of fiscal documents, checking the accuracy of cash register management
- Management of extra records - invoices, books, property records, vouchers
- Keeping summary reports
- Calculation of travel costs
- Calculation of the proportion of leases
- Accounting and tax consultations
- Processing of returns for income tax, corporate income tax, processing of monthly or quarterly returns for VAT, road tax
- Processing of the statement to ensure tax
- Transacting business with the Tax Office
- Preparing financial statements
- Helping to start business
- Methodological supervision and consultation and assistance in dealing with emerging problems
- Processing of statistical reports
- Processing applications to the Tax Office, Customs Office
- Distribution of the tax base
- Information on the novels of accounting rules and their application in practice
- Representing clients in the local investigation and inspections by the tax Communication via phone, fax, mobile, Internet
- Reconstruction of Accounting
- Ensuring audit
- Financial analysis and reporting, data for banks
- Technical supervision of accounting staff